How to create a Professional account
If you already have a Tobii Dynavox for Professionals account, please go to step #4
Tobii Dynavox for Professionals is an innovative and complimentary program to get you the industry’s most robust and flexible AAC software solutions to help you serve your clients with complex communication needs and their families. Use this Getting Started Guide for step-by-step instructions on how to gain access to Tobii Dynavox for Professionals and how to then download the TD Snap App and Communicator 5 software.
1.To register for a Tobii Dynavox Professionals account, you will need your ownmyTobiiDynavox account.
2. To create your account, please visit and follow the instructions.
3. If you are an existing myTobiiDynavox account member, please log in.
4. Once you have logged into your myTobiiDynavox account it will look like this on the My Stuff page. Yours may have more icons if you already have activated some of the features.
5. Select the Professional icon in the More Stuff area. 6.Enter your first and last name, email, company address etc.At the Professional affiliation step, open the list and choose your organization. If your organization is not there, chooseotherat the end. An email will be sent to the Tobii Dynavox App Request Team with your request. 7. If you do not have a number to enter in the membership number area, any number can be entered. There must be a number or it will not submit. 8. Remember to read and check the box for the agreement at the bottom. 9. Once you have been verified and your account is a Professional account, you can Install Snap, Compass, and Communicator 5. Let's Get TD Snap
Since the release of version 1.14 you will download the windows version from the downloads area of
Let's get a license for Communicator 5!
Note: Write down or copy and paste your key in an email or to a word document – you will need it later to license your software.
Let's Download Communicator 5