NavBar Pageset - Adding a New Phrase Category to QuickPhrases
1. Select the Settings button on the Toolbar.
2. Select Vocabulary.
3. Select My Phrases.
4. Select Manage. 
5. Select New Folder.
6. Select the Label field and type the name of your new folder.
7. Select Browse.
8. The labelyou entered will be used to search for a symbol, or you can search for a different symbol. Select the symbol to use.
5. Select New Folder.
6. Select the Label field and type the name of your new folder.
7. Select Browse.
8. The labelyou entered will be used to search for a symbol, or you can search for a different symbol. Select the symbol to use.
9. Select the green Selectbutton at the top right corner of the screen. 
10. Select Save.
11. Select Done.
10. Select Save.
11. Select Done.
12. Select Back twice to exit all settings.
13. Select the Settings button.
14. Select an empty Phrase List tab.
15. Select the Properties button.
16. Select the Label field and enter a label.
17. Select the Select button to search for a symbol.
18. Select the symbol to use.

16. Select the Label field and enter a label.
17. Select the Select button to search for a symbol.
18. Select the symbol to use.
19. Select the green Select button.
20. Select the vocabulary grid.
21. Select the Properties button.
22. Select Browse.
23. Select My Phrases.
24. Select the phrase folder you created.
25. Select the green Select button. 
26. Select File, then Save, then Exitto save your changes.
26. Select File, then Save, then Exitto save your changes.