Tobii Dynavox Compass Software

Compass product support

Global End of Sale Notification – As of September 1st, 2022, the Compass will no longer be available for sale.

Looking for support for Compass? Find support articles, video tutorials and other useful resources.

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Support articles

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Software licenses

Training videos


Browse our video library for visual learning on the I-Series.

Young woman using a Tobii Dynavox I-Series device with her caregiver

Featured training videos

Browse the video resources available for Compass.


Accessing calibration settings

Backing up user profiles

Training resources

We offer many additional product training opportunities, including live events, on-demand courses and recorded webinars.

Tobii Dynavox live training event

Live training events

Meet the experts at upcoming live on-location and virtual events featuring a wide range of topics.

Tobii Dynavox I-Series tutorial video

On-demand training

Browse our library of self-guided resources to brush up on existing skills or learn new ones.

Tobii Dynavox myTobiiDynavox website

Connect and share

A cloud-based resource for managing your apps and sharing with your communication team.

Software installers

Compass software installer

Compass for trial/subscription/companion:
This installer requires a account. Download this version of the Tobii Dynavox Compass app for use with a Compass 30-day trial, a Compass subscription or as a companion to a registered Tobii Dynavox device. The Tobii Dynavox Compass app can be used once per Tobii Dynavox device.

Compass Windows perpetual app:
This installer requires a license code. This version of the Tobii Dynavox Compass app is for Windows computers and is a one-time purchase. If you had the trial version installed earlier, you must uninstall it prior to installing the Windows perpetual version of Compass.

Compass editing software:
The Compass editing software allows you to create and edit Compass page sets on any Windows computer. It does not include voices. A account is not required but it is recommended for backing up and sharing your page sets.

Series 5 to Compass converter

Use this tool to convert your Dynavox Series 5 pagesets to Compass.

Please note: This tool can only provide limited conversions, some button actions or links might need to be reprogrammed. When the converter encounters a button in the Series 5 content that does not have a similar function in Compass, the button will be converted but will not have any actions associated. Examples include IR controls, X10 Environmental controls, computer access, eBooks, email, text messaging and slots.

Compass Acapela voices